martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

Mùsica: The Beings.. Sci-Fi Truman

About this album


In this sci-fi movie the earth is visited by intelligent beings from a distant galaxy. The beings are completely different from humans since they developed from inorganic structures rather than through organic evolution. Each being has an individual existence span of several thousand years. Their intelligent consciousness is based on patterned subatomic organizations rather than on neural patterns. The beings pose no threat to earth or to life on earth because they are so different that they want nothing from humans. They have no aggressive impulses or needs since they absorb energy directly and did not evolve in a survival of the fittest mode, nor do they need any of the earth's resources. However, the striking differences in their appearance (they usually look like small, moving rainbows or electrified vapor swirls) and in their modes of communication cause great upsets among the cultures of humanity. In some places the anxieties and angers are organized by mob leaders who mobilize attacks on the the beings and their spacecrafts but these attacks are easily repelled because the beings can simply disappear or can cause all the attackers to fall asleep.
 When the space messages from the beings are first received by astronomers they come through as musical sounds that convey a message understood by all who hear the sounds, irregardless of the listener's language: “Greetings.” “We are coming.” “We've arrived.” The beings can communicate in any language (“we can simulate any pattern”)--they can also communicate with direct unmediated telepathy but usually do not (“we will provide an outer sound so that you do not feel invaded”). The beings spend time with several groups of astronomers and with other groups of scientists answering their questions and teaching them to ask new questions. They also spend some time with selected world leaders assuring them that they want nothing from earth or from humans and will be leaving soon. Sometimes the beings appear to be communicating from within water, or air, or fire, or dirt. After sixty days the beings depart with a “Leavetaking” song that is heard around the world. Their last message from outer space is “We are your future.” (Cover photo is of the El Dorado Group of Galaxies from Hubble and NASA; the Dorado Group is much larger than the group of galaxies that include the Milky Way.) For more movie details see the Truman Docs plot summary.

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